Unalaska, Alaska – September 11 – 15, 2021
OptimERA Inc. a mobility carrier in the area, assists Black Swift Technologies LLC during their deployment of a S2 UAS (Unoccupied Aircraft System) to further volcanic research in the Aleutian Islands.
OptimERA Inc provided critical voice and data service in support of beyond-visual-line-of-sight UAS operations from the Dutch Harbor airport. This was a joint effort between Black Swift Technologies LLC and local drone service provider, Aleutian Aerial LLC. This included coordination with USGS, FAA, Alaska DOT, and NASA.
Mobile LTE made this service possible. As technology advances and we push for better understanding of our environment through use of those technologies, mobile solutions will continue to grow in importance with increased use cases. The same technology that can bring you Netflix at the airport while waiting for a flight is also responsible for delivering mission critical communications.

Remote areas of the world are being explored and driving the need for ever increasing communication access. It takes regional service providers to enable cost effective mobile solutions in hard to reach areas. OptimERA is the carrier to deliver these services in Unalaska.
Also, as a community-minded business, OptimERA would like to acknowledge and thank Jack Elston (Black Swift), Maciej Stachura (Black Swift), Andy Dietrick (Aleutian Aerial), Angie Diefenbach (USGS), and Christoph Kern (USGS), for presenting a project summary and UAS show-and-tell to the students of Eagle’s View Elementary and the Unalaska City School.
Click link below for more information regarding the S2 UAS and its data collection of the Makushin Volcano. https://bst.aero/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Makushin-Mission-Overview.pdf