
We have several patents that are in different stages of development and are always looking toward new areas of growth and improvement. We are perpetually looking for better ways to do things and testing new theories. We are actively looking for investors who are interested in pursuing technology development, desire to make change, and put people before profits.


OptimERA develops inhouse solutions to fill needs. Once we have tested and implemented that software on our own systems then we also licence it to others. We take our company culture and put that into our code. It’s not always shiny pretty, but it works and at the end of the day, the best code is the code you don’t even realize you’re using but has become an everyday part of your life.


Blockchain is the most important invention of the 21st century. We aim to leverage it and create our own systems that use it. Blockchain can lead to efficiencies and completely change the face of how we interact with the networks around us. We have several business plans in development that will leverage blockchain networks and create new avenues of revenue and services.