Emergency Starlink Installations

Emergency Starlink Installations

In response to a critical state of emergency due to a Fiber break off the coast of Alaska in June of 2023, OptimERA was contracted to perform a emergency Starlink installations across the State within just three weeks. The disruption affected vital services, leaving...
Alaska Tribal Network

Alaska Tribal Network

The Alaska Tribal Network (ATN) was a concept we put together for the Alaska Tribal Spectrum Organization (ATS) based on our decentralized network concept. With a need to deploy equipment and service on behalf of all its tribal members, the ATS needed a...
LTE Networks

LTE Networks

In 2018 OptimERA began the process of building an LTE network completely greenfield. Today we have a fully LTE and VoLTE network built on O-RAN and a virtualized core. Anyone who says building networks is easy hasn’t done it. It’s a common misconception that because...