May 1st marked the beginning of a two weeklong community cleanup. This annual event is put together by the City of Unalaska Department of Parks, Culture, and Recreation, and this year’s cleanup marked 20 years of Unalaska’s community members and businesses coming together.

In all, there were 806 bags collected and 17,200 pounds of roadside and marine debris picked up, with roughly 40 groups participating including our team at OptimERA xG. Keeping our Island and waters clean of pollution and garbage is something we all take great pride in, and we were happy to answer the call and be a part of such an amazing opportunity to make a difference.

General Manager Rick Nicholson and Sales Associate Shara Laxa picking up garbage and beach debris alongside Summer Bay Rd

We’d like to thank not just the City but also Matson for sponsoring this event every year and encouraging participation through generous prize giveaways. Our communities commitment in not just cleaning up but maintaining our beautiful Island gives us all great pride and we hope to make a continued difference for generations to come.

Proper waste disposal is essential to prevent pollution, protect wildlife, and ensure a safe and enjoyable community for everyone. Cleaning up garbage is an act of environmental stewardship preserving the natural beauty of our surroundings and safeguarding it for future generations. Educating ourselves and others about the importance of cleaning up garbage helps to raise awareness and promote responsible waste management practices. The community cleanup is more than just participation; it’s about fostering a sense of pride in preserving and maintaining our Island of Unalaska, and we look forward to next years event.

Left to right: General Manager Rick Nicholson, Sales Associate Hershey Pogdanski, Sales & Marketing Manager Mary Agbayani, and Sales Associate Shara Laxa